BFWC Provides

Join the Movement

BFWC Provides is a dedicated fund established by the Black Folx Wellness Collective (BFWC), a 501(c)(3) organization within the LifeWell Ecosystem, based in the District of Columbia. This fund is crucial to our mission of training, resourcing, and empowering our community by enabling us to offer free to low-cost programming and sustain vital resources like our community clothing closet, library, and food pantry.

The Black Folx Wellness Collective (BFWC) is a nonprofit organization within the LifeWell Ecosystem, with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status pending (retroactive charitable status anticipated). BFWC is a registered Non-Profit Organization in the District of Columbia. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Spread the Word

Your donations to BFWC Provides will directly contribute to the purchase of essential supplies needed to maintain and expand these initiatives within The Clearing Community Center, the heart of LifeWell. Through your support, we can continue to create a space that fosters well-being, equity, and connection for all.