Meet the Team.

Our team of dedicated community-builders come from various backgrounds and experiences leading them to the work of building empowered and fortified communities. With years of service in various industries— from non-profit leadership and education to tech and healthcare— our dedicated staff work to meet the needs of our ever-growing community.

  • Stephon J. Bradberry, M.A., RYT 200

    Founder, Chief Executive Officer, and Chairman

  • Royce S. Sarpy, M.E.d, CKYT 200, RYT 200

    COO and Co-Founder, Yoga Teacher

    Black Folx Wellness Collective

  • Aggie Payton

    Chief Financial Officer

    Black Folx Wellness Collective

  • Nadia Sims

    Chief Strategy Officer,

    Black Folx Wellness Collective

  • Dre Drummond

    Chief People Officer

    Black Folx Wellness Collective

  • Branden E. Elmore, Ph.D, RYT 200

    Vice President, Community Engagement and Outreach

    Black Folx Wellness Collective

  • Alana Parker, M.Ed, RYT 200

    Vice President, Programming

    Black Folx Wellness Collective

  • Vacant

    Vice President Communications,

    Black Folx Wellness Collective

  • Vacant

    Vice President, Membership

    Black Folx Wellness Collective

  • Tyler Rosemond



  • Jaquan Starling

    BFWC Founding Yoga Teacher

  • Devyn Beswick

    BFWC Founding Yoga Teacher

Open Roles

Starting June 1, you can apply to join the Black Folx Wellness Collective (BFWC) leadership team. In Phase 1, we are recruiting for the following positions:

Click the links above for job descriptions and applications. Note: Interviews will commence after a sufficient number of candidates apply (at least three applications) Please reach out to with any questions or comments.